
Agrominitech 2016

лого 3Invitiamo le società italiane operative nel settore agroindustriale a partecipare alla fiera AGROMINITECH che si terrà dal 31 maggio al 3 giugno 2016 a Tashkent. AGROMINITECH è il principale evento in Uzbekistan dedicato alla presentazione di macchine e tecnologie per piccoli imprenditori. La CIUZ in collaborazione con Italuz si mette a disposizione per organizzare la partecipazione delle società italiane interessate al settore. Termine ultimo per l’adesione il 30 gennaio 2016. Pubblichiamo il documento relativo all’evento. Per maggiori informazioni rivolgersi ai nostri uffici.

Agrominitech 2016

Uzbekistan to invest US$600m to development of food industry

Uzbekistan is planning to direct US$595.9m to development of food industry in 2016-2020, the Ministry of Economy of Uzbekistan said.

The Government approved a programme on developing the industry, which includes 180 investment projects with the cost of US$595.9 million.

The projects are directed at construction of new, reconstruction and modernization of existing enterpries on processing agriculture products and production of semi-finished goods, ready goods, packaging materials.

The programme will be financed due to own resources of the enterprises, loans of Uzbek banks and foreign direct investments.

The programme will allow to increase export of fresh and processed vegetable and fruits by 2.7 times and start production of 200 new types of products.

It is also planned to launch 15 trade-logistic centers with total capacity of 60,000 tonnes in five years, which will process, store and transport fresh and processed fruits and vegetable products.
