On Wednesday, February 5, 2025, the Italian-Uzbekistan Chamber of Commerce, represented by Vice President Marco Farci, participated in a meeting at the Ministry for Enterprises and Made in Italy.
The meeting, addressed to both the Italian Chambers of Commerce operating abroad and the Foreign Chambers of Commerce in Italy, focused on their activities and served as a valuable opportunity for dialogue between institutions and chamber leadership.
The event opened with institutional greetings from Chief of Staff Federico Eichberg and Undersecretary Massimo Bitonci. Following these remarks, Giuseppe Tripoli, Secretary General of Unioncamere, emphasized the value and importance of the Mixed Chambers in fostering the development of international economic relations.
During his speech, Tripoli addressed several key issues relevant to the Mixed Chambers, highlighting how they serve as a fundamental tool for driving the growth and competitiveness of Italian companies abroad.
Subsequently, representatives from the Chambers shared their experiences, detailing both their daily activities and the challenges they face at national and international levels.
Overall, the initiative confirmed the importance of an integrated and proactive approach to promoting economic exchanges, underscoring that dialogue and international cooperation are indispensable for supporting the growth and competitiveness of Italian businesses in an ever-evolving global landscape.
For additional information, please contact CIUZ’s secretariat at the following address:
Samantha Rampini
Chamber of Commerce Italy-Uzbekistan
Via Monte Rosa, 93
20149 Milano
cell. +39 349 8847924