
Il Presidente Ciuz, Giorgio Veronesi, intervistato alla TV nazionale Uzbekistan 24

Ecco il testo dell’intervista della TV nazionale uzbeka “Uzbekistan24”, realizzata al Presidente Ciuz, Giorgio Veronesi, visibile al seguente link:



1) Mr. Veronesi, how would you evaluate the current relations between Uzbekistan and Italy? How significant is the momentum for high-level dialogues aimed at fostering closer ties between the two countries?

Relations between the two countries have been always very good, but we saw a very effective increase of interest of Italian companies after the visit of President Mirzoyoyev to Italy in June. The visit of President Mattarella these days, reciprocating the courtesy, is an institutional event. We have already seen an increase of visits by Italian ministers or deputy ministers to Uzbekistan (Agriculture, Tourism and Foreign Affairs) that are important at operational level. We hope that these will continue in various sectors and hopefully our Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, will come as well. Italy is not a Presidential Republic, like Uzbekistan, France and USA, so the executive power is under the responsibility of the Prime Minister.

2)      Presently, there are over 50 enterprises with Italian investments in our country, and numerous joint projects are being proposed. On this very topic, how has the activity of the Chamber of Commerce of Uzbekistan, under your leadership, been expedited?

There are many sectors of potential development (O&G, Alternative Energies, Mining & Metals, Textile, Food, etc) for the country, for which Italian companies may provide technologies, specialized equipment and supervision because of their experience. As the plants where these projects are to be implemented often have a very good economic potential, we are promoting participation of Italian companies as co-investors in Joint Ventures. Our companies are prudent so it’s essential for us to promote the detail knowledge of the country and of the investment conditions, which is essential to convince them to enter a new and geographically remote market. Sometimes a step by step approach is required by the companies.

We are also promoting through our members (banks and providers of financial services) financing of the projects to support their development. This is key for success.

3)      What events or initiatives are planned by the Italian-Uzbek Chamber of Commerce to promote trade and economic cooperation between our countries? Which other Italian companies plan to enter the Uzbekistan`s market?

We are promoting participation of Italian companies to Exhibitions in Uzbekistan (OGU, Textile, Construction, Mining & Metals), visits by dedicated delegation on specific topics, cooperating with Italian Universities, a joint classical music concert in September, like 2022 and 2023, and possible an event on Italian TV to present Uzbekistan beauties and historical and scientific figures, like Amir Timur, Ulugbek the great astronomer, Avicenna, the father of modern medicine, etc.

4)      We are also interested to know, What are your thoughts on the initiatives undertaken by our country’s president in Uzbekistan to create a favorable business environment, enhance investment attractiveness, and promote economic development?

I think that the initiatives like economic, business, social reforms are essential to attract investors to Uzbekistan and in this direction the President and the Government have done a lot. Also the strategy and vision of the development of the country are clear and clearly communicated, as it was evident to all participants to the meeting with institutions and companies arranged in Milan during the President visit in June.

As far as specific incentives to attract investors are concerned, like participation in free trade zones, land provision deals, tax packages like tax holidays on profits, are good, but I believe that something can be still done to be more effective, following the example for instance from other very successful countries, like Singapore, where the Economic Development Board (EDB) represents a one stop support agency for new investors.

5)      As an expert familiar with the economic potential of both countries, what are the other areas do you think would be mutually beneficial to develop relations in?

Business, as discussed, but also tourism and culture. There are several common points between Uzbekistan and Italy, to work on.

Tourism allows many people not familiar with the country to know its nature, its architectural beauties, its culture and its welcoming people. This knowledge is essential also to create a solid base for economic cooperation.

Per ulteriori informazioni si prega di rivolgersi alla Segreteria CIUZ al seguente indirizzo:

Samantha Rampini

Camera di Commercio Italia Uzbekistan

Via Monte Rosa, 93

20149 Milano

cell. +39 349 8847924